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Tuesday 2024-10-15

  • Edit your photos with a free tools here you have our opinion and the download link.

  • Here we have a new tool that can help you to have your social network better organized. In the website ferdium.org you can download for free.

    What most like about it is the menu of services that you can add, and if you can't find the social that you need just type in the bar search and you got it.

    But beside you can add tools like github, google drive, dropbox and more. Also you can organize your many workspace one for the social networks and another one for service on the cloud.
    Good option if you want organization in your desktop. Download here

    You can download for free and is open source. In this app you also have a tab to organize each social network. On this app you have page autosleep this help you to not slow down your PC performance, in the menu there is the option of add more of 670 apps.

    It's helpful to have in one place your social networks Getstation.com


  • Here we have a tool that can help you to organize your team and have your project ready for the customer.
    The free plan is a good option if you are starting with your project. Even they guide you with templates and AI to have a more organized project.

    When you start the project in the menu you have the next options. Everything design to take step by step.

    Also you can manage several projects at the same time and they offer the option of import from another website your project.
    With the apps you can work from your cell phone or different operative systems.

    Also they have an upgrade option in case that you are in a more complex project. But for beginners this is a good option.


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  • 3 web browser that can help you find what you need.

  • Sometimes google can't find the information, because there are websites that does not consider neccesary to look for, with the three option that we have here you can find what you need.

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  • Here you can find 7 sites that can help you to find the best price for the item that you want to buy.

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  • We recommend you two antivirus that can help you to avoid the malware and navigate with security.

  • Google guide to find information in detail.

  • Google has operator that help you find specific information, also help you to save time when you give specific parameters about what you need to know

  • 14 websites that give you 247 GB of online store for FREE.
  • When we start our website, sometimes is neccesary a virtual hard drive but our budget is limited and here we have a list of several websites that can help us to keep your files available for your customer or teamwork. Here you have the list.

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  • Get an income with those videogame affiliate programs.

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